Blink, crochet knitting, motor, 260x160cm, 2019 

The work “Blink” takes the shape of a big rotating eye, composed from various eyes that comprise many knitted eyes. The whole see-through textile piece is hung from the ceiling, stretched on a bent aluminium pole, with zip-ties holding it and giving the feeling of eyelashes.

The eye is constantly moving, inspecting. Our ways of seeing and looking at reality is being suspended and controlled by the one big eye in the sky. As it turns, the eye reduces, becomes a single line, blinks.

Blink, crochet knitting, motor, 260x160cm, 2019  (detail)

Blink, crochet knitting, motor, 260x160cm, 2019  (detail)

Installation View, Artport, Tel Aviv 2019

Installation View, Artport, Tel Aviv 2019